Page keeps scrolling up
Page keeps scrolling up

page keeps scrolling up

I have done this work before without these problems. But that is not how I wanted to run page numbers. That worked! No more pages jumping around.

page keeps scrolling up

Then I went back and instead ran page numbers right from the very first page, without changing any section breaks.

page keeps scrolling up

I wanted the main body of the book to have its own page numbering, and that is normal. The problem began when I started to put in the front matter. I started this document with 25 sections (chapters), and each section ran page numbers from the beginning, but without a page number on the first page of a section. I got rid of all odd-even page breaks, substituting continuous breaks, and then blank pages before the break if needed. Upload this file and use this file in Excel web part, the issue should be resolved.1. You can locate the cell at the beginning of the worksheet section when saving. When opening the file again, the cell D5 will be active. Edit the file and click in the cell D5, then save the file.It will automatically active cell R5 and it will be scrolled to the R5 to make it available in the screen. Render this file using the Excel web part, the same situation.Open the file from the library, you will find it will automatically active cell R5 and it will be scrolled to the R5 to make it available in the screen.Upload the file to a SharePoint library.Click in a cell, for example, cell R5, and then save the file.Create a excel file and enter some data in it.You can follow the steps below to reproduce that: So that, it will automatically navigate to the middle of the excel file when opening it using Excel web part because the last used cell is in the middle. When opening the file again, it will automatically redirect to that cell.

page keeps scrolling up

I suppose the issue is caused by the excel will record the last used cell when saving the file.

Page keeps scrolling up